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Is Waterproofing Required for Your Project? If so, Should You "Value Engineer"
Why is Waterproofing Required? The first issue that an architect will have to consider in designing a building is whether waterproofing...
The Economics of Quality Assurance in Waterproofing: Asteroids, Banana Peels, and Your Bank Account
A quality assurance program identifies the requirements of the completed waterproofing project, sets the quality levels required for...
Pressure Drop: Hydrostatic Load and What it Means for the Building Owner and Developer
Hydrostatic [hī′drə-stăt′ĭk] pressure: The pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium at a given point within the fluid, due to the force...
The Economics of Quality Assurance in Waterproofing
John D'Annunzio, technical editor of Architectural Roofing and Waterproofing Magazine, discusses the cost/benefit and considerations whe
Dampproofing vs. Waterproofing: Things You Should Know Before You Spend Millions on a Building
Both of these systems are intended to prevent moisture from penetrating sub- or above-grade walls and slabs. However, there are critical...
Selecting a Waterproofing System: Many Options, Which is Right for You?
When selecting a waterproofing system, conservatism is the word of the day. Remember, you only have ONE opportunity to do right, and...
Are You Considering Value Engineering your Waterproofing Design? Costs, Benefits, and Consideration
In the last decade the term “value engineering” has gained prominence in the construction industry. You might be asking, what is "value...
Introducing Paragon's Waterproofing Blog
Hi all, We have found that there is real need for clarity in discussing waterproofing systems. This blog is for general contractors,...
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